I'm officially revamping my blog site!
I'm officially revamping my blog site! I kind had a consideration that I would use this site for just my state of mind or portfolio but I've realized that I was kinda inactive here, I might as well share the news... My PFP for Blogger! with recent events that was happening on Twitter, I just want to let you know that when the site fails, I will be going to Newgrounds, YouTube, Instagram, and possibly Blogger as I WILL NEVER USE Tumblr. all links can be found found here: https://solo.to/awsystuff In my state of mind, I'll be revamping this blog site to my heart's content and I'd really appreciate if you wanted to support me to the best of my abilities! I'll try to be as diverse as I can so that one day I could achieve my dreams! anyways that's all for now, thanks for reading! :D